Compute clusters for Debian development and building – final report

Compute clusters for Debian development and building – final report Summary ——- The goal of this project was intended to have Eucalyptus cloud to support ARM images so it allows Debian developers and users to be able to use such facility for taks such package building, software development (ie. Android) under a Debian pre-set image, […]

GSoC: Status report 01

Hello, this is the official project report for the Debian GSoC admins and everyone. It’s been few days since the official coding phase started. Most of the time I’ve been figuring out the details regarding integration of non-x86 images to the Eucalyptus IaaS and working on the ARM image, as you’ll learn later. I’m also […]

GSoC 2011: Compute Clusters Integration for Debian Development and Building

Hi, been offline for a while and now after my mid-term exams I’m glad to tell that I’ll be working on this year’s GSoC project called: “Compute Clusters Integration for Debian Development and Building”. The main idea for this project is to give Debian developers and downstream developers a set of tools for helping them […]

Is Debian listening to its users?

For some time ago I’ve been pondering about this question. As long as GSoC 2009 is about to start and people are looking for project ideas, I’m posting here a very preliminar draft of my findings and an idea for a posible software project. It’s pretty written on-the-fly while I’ve managed to have some minutes […]

Academia y software libre en la UPC

El software libre, desde sus inicios, ha tenido un estrecho vínculo con la academia. Proyectos como GNU, FreeBSD, Linux, se han gestado en los claustros de conocidas universidades, por sus estudiantes. Hoy en día, una buena parte del software libre, que podemos encontrar en sitios como, es desarrollado dentro de entornos académicos. Toda esta […]